On 28-July-2016 EFASOM members attended a high level education coordination meeting organized by the Ministry of Education in Mogadishu



There were approximately 35 participants from education partners, the civil society and the MoE. Discussions included
1. Review of reprogramming components of GPE funded project such as additional lines for in-service teacher training, extension of teacher incentives extended to December 2016, inspectors pay, school monitoring, and teacher training for 6 months.
2. Education clusters in Somalia focus on emergencies mainly on literacy & numeracy for displaced children. There was an assessment report producted by Banadir education cluster related to education in emergencies.
3. Secondary examination results to be publicized soon before end of July 2016. Next step is to do certificate awards to students.
4. Series of short term teacher training to be organized before opening of school calender before September and in collaboration requested from UNESCO, CISP, Save the Children, and Concern Worldwide. Sessions will include child rights/protection, teacher code of conduct, and refreshed lesson plans.

In this occation, EFASOM made oral request submitted to the MoE:
1. To update list of teacher payroll before release of incentives under GPE funding
2. To include the civil society especially EFASOM members to the steering committee before start of reviewing Education Sector Analysis and setting Education Sector Strategic Planning.

Action points:
1. The MoE to finalize teacher screening and submit an updated list of teachers names under GPE funded program within one month.
2. The MoE to nominate steering committee for developing ESA and ESSP soon.

Other recommendations
The MoE to establish emergency unit for education in emergencies.



شارك الإئتلاف التربوي الصومالي للتعليم للجميع اجتماعا تنسيقيا لقطاع التعليم، والذي نظمته وزارة التربية والتعليم. وكان هناك ما يقرب عدد 35 مشاركا من منظمات غير حكومية، والمجتمع المدني، والوزارة التربية.
ناقش المشاركون عن:
1. تعديلات عن مقترح المشروع من GBE
2. مستوى التعليم في حالات الطوارئ
3. نتيجة امتحانات لطلاب الثانوي
4. تدريب المعلمين قبل افتتاح لعام الدراسي


Maalintii 30/6/2016 Xubnaha EFASOM waxaa ay ka qeyb-galeen madasha wadahadalka ee arimaha waxbarashada dalka oo ka dhacey Magaalada Muqdisho. Shirkaasi waxaa soo qaban qaabisey Wasaarada Waxbarashada.