Our Work

Our Objectives

To ensure free access to quality education for children from poor families and ensure their enrollment in schools.
 Empowering livelihoods of youth through education
 Advocate for education policies and laws that protect against gender discrimination in education and advocate to reduce fee of schooling to let parents send boys and girls to school;
 Establish ethical protocols, assessment and examination processes that protect women and girls from exploitation by anyone and provide for safety and security in the education environment.
 Addressing community concerns to get boys and girls back to school;
 Encourage female teachers to return to schools
 Provision of educational needs of schooling for boys and girls;
 Renovation / construction of durable schools and adult learning centers;
 Repair schools in affected areas and construct safe/accessible emergency schools to hold classes.
 Make sure the curriculum is relevant to children so that they understand its practical application and find it meaningful.
 Ensure boys and girls receive information on reproductive health, HIV/AIDs, and GBV.
 Increase school attendance overall, particularly for girl attendance.

Our Organizational Activities
 Promotion of girl attendance at school.
 School renovation and construction: classrooms, toilets, playgrounds.
 Curriculum development
 Global campaign for education for all
 Education for citizenship
 Human rights education
 Awareness raising in reproductive health, HIV/AIDs and GBV
 Teacher training initiative, Youth empowerment program
 Child and Orphan educational sponsorship;


Organizational Achievements
In 2006, with the help from EFASOM, school children discussed how they could support their friends out of school to get an education. In 2007, EFASOM organized an Action Week that got off to a successful start, with a massive human chain. Activists presented their demand to the government by asking for the enforcement of free compulsory education for all Somali children.
In 2008, EFASOM organized the Biggest Lesson that took place in the Old Football [Konis] Stadium in Abdal Aziz district, Mogadishu. The focus was how to address the education needs of internally displaced children who have been excluded from school.


In 2010, EFASOM has reached utmost coverage countrywide for the Action Week 19-26 April 2010. At about 1500 primary, secondary schools and universities ensured to their involvement in the action. In 2011, EFASOM has made school assessments in main cities of Puntland where there was chance that EFASOM signed a memorandum of understanding with 17 schools in the regions with the help from Regional Education Officers of each region.



In 2012, Education For All Somalia organized General Assembly meeting held in Mogadishu and Galkayo, 28 – 30 November 2012. This was a 3-month (Oct-Dec2012) project funded by the Global Campaign for Education through the Arab Organization for Education for All (Jordan).


On 29 December 2012, at the Conference Hall of Amal Plaza, as part of the educational program activities, EFASOM team has conducted an Event of Setting Up Teaching Task Forces at Conference Hall of Amal Plaza in Galkayo city of Somalia. The one – day event was held for 19 participants comprising of member organizations of the civil society organizations managing educational institutions and schools in Galkayo and surrounding areas.