Teacher Education Policy Forum (28-29 August 2017)

Teacher Education Policy Forum (28-29 August 2017)

Location: Mogadishu Somalia
Date: 28-29 August 2017
Time: 8:30 am to 5.30 pm


EFASOM waxay qabatey dood-wadaag ku saabsan nidaamka iyo siyaasada waxbarashada macalimiinta oo socday 28-29 Agoosto 2017. Waxaa kasoo qayb galay in ka badan 35 qof oo ka socda Wasaaradda Waxbarashada, Dalladaha Waxbarashada, Ururka Macallimiinta, tiro macalimiin ah, waalidiin iyo dadka kale ee wax barashada daneeya.

Ujeedada kulanka ayaa ahaa:
Ujeedada 1
In dib loo eego siyaasada qaran ee wax barashada macalinka gaar ahaan:
Shaqaaleysiinta iyo xulashada macalinka.

Anshaxa iyo dhaqanka macalinka.
Dib u eegis waxqabadka macalinka ee fasalada

Ujeedada 2aad
In la wacyi galiyo muhiimada ay leeydahay macalimiin in la tayeeyo waxbarashadooda.
In laga doodo kordhinta tirada macalimiinta iyo
In la hormariyo tayada macalinka ka hor shaqada inaan la bilaanin iyo inta lagu gudo jiro shaqads macalinnimada.

Cali Cabdullahi Afgooye, Agaasimaha Wasaarada Waxbarashada ayaa si rasmi ah u furay madasha. Waxa uu sheegay in horumarinta tayada macalimiinta loo maro seddex talaabo:-
1. macalimiinta waxay helaan aqoonta wax barida ama shahaado.
2.macalimiintu waxay bartaan xirfadaha waxbarista iyo khibradaha la xiriira.
3. macalimiinta waxay leeyihiin dabeecad laxiriirta hab dhaqanka macalinka.

Gudoomiyaha ururka EFASOM Mudane Maxamuud Cabdi, waxa uu sheegay in ay macalimiinta yihiin awooda ugu saameynta badan uguna xooga badan xaga helitaanka sinaanta waxbarasho tayeeysan.

Xubin ka tirsan gudiga fulinta EFASOM Marwo Nuurto Maxamed Caddow waxay tilmaantay in macalimiinta tayadooda ay yahiin furaha horumarinta caalamiga ah iyo tababarkooda , qorista sii haynta xaalada iyo xaaladaha shaqada waxay kamid yahiin mudnaanta koowaad ee Efasom .
Madaxa macalimiinta ee jaamacada umada soomaliyeed Marwo Suldaano Muuse Caddow ayaa shegtay in tababarka macalimiinta uu yahay mid kamida mudnaanta sare ee jamacada, jamacada hada waxay dhamaysey casharkii 17aad ee tabababarka macallinimada . waxay soo sartay in kabadan 3,000 macallin labadadba tababarka intaanu bilaabin macalinimada iyo intuu kudhexjiro shaqada macalinnimada.

Maalinta 2aad, EFASOM waxay soo gaba gabeysey kulan lagu lafa-gurayey siyaasada waxbarashada macalinka. Qubaro waa weyn oo ka tirsan bahda waxbarashada ayaa si fiican u turxaan bixiney qabya-qoraalka siyaasada waxbarashada macalinka. Ugu dambeeyntii ka qeyb-galayaasha waxay soo gudbiyeen sharciyada xulashada macalinka, shaqaaleynta, kormeerka waxqabadka macalinka iyo qodobada u ka kooban yahay siyaasada waxbarashada macalinka.

Waxaa kulanka si rasmi ah usoo xerey Mudane Cabdulahi Cusman Shakespeare Agaasimaha Waaxda Tababarka Macalimiinta ee Wasaarada Waxbarashada oo u mahadceliyey dhamaan ka qeyb-galayaasha oo waqtigoodii qaaliga ahaa u hurey sidii ay u dhameystiri lahaayeen siyaasada waxbarashada macalinka.



انعقد الإئتلاف الصومالي للتعليم للجميع منتدى سياسة التعليم المعلمين وسيتمره لمدة يومين. وحضره أكثر من 35 مشاركا من وزارة التربية والتعليم ومظلات التعليم واتحاد المعلمين والمعلمين وأولياء الأمور وغيرهم من أصحاب المصلحة في التعليم.

أهداف المنتدي:
° مراجعة السياسة الوطنية لتعليم المعلمين مثل: توظيف المعلمين بالمدارس واختيارهم، مدونة قواعد سلوك المعلمين، تقويم أداء المعلم
° رفع مستوى الوعي الاجتماعي بأهمية المعلم عند رفع الجودة في التعليم

السيد علي عبد الله أفغوي، مدير وزارة التربية والتعليم افتتح المنتدى رسميا.


EFASOM conducted a 2-day Teacher Education Policy Forum from 28-29 August 2017. More than 35 participants from the Ministry of Education, education umbrellas, a teacher union, teachers, parents, and other education stakeholders attended. 

The purpose of the forum was:

Objective 1
To review national teacher education policy particularly:
Teacher recruitment and selection
Teacher code of conduct 
Teacher performance review in classes

Objective 2
To raise awareness of importance of teachers in quality education
- To advocate increase of quantity of teachers and
- To improve quality of both pre-service and in-service teacher trainings

Ali Abdulahi Afgoye, the Director of the MOE has officially opened the forum. He stated that teacher quality improvement takes three steps. Firstly teachers earn qualification of teaching. Secondly teachers acquire teaching skills and experiences. Thirdly teachers have attitudes in respect of teacher code of conduct. 

The Chairperson of EFASOM Mr. Mohamud Abdi stated that teachers are the single most influential and powerful force for equity, access and quality in education

The Board Member of EFASOM Mrs. Nuurta M. Addow took the floor and indicated that the quality teachers are the key to sustainable global development and
their training, recruitment, retention, status and working conditions
are among EFASOM’s top priorities.

The Head Unit of Teachers Dept of the Somali National University Ms. Suldano Muse Addow stated that teacher training is one of the university's top priority. The university now completed the 17th session of teacher training and produced more that 3000 teachers, both pre-service and in-service teacher training.

The key agenda for the Second Day of the Forum was:-
1. Continuation of group discussion, debating and reviewing of the key agenda points from Day One of the Forum; which were:-
 The selection criteria of the teacher
 Teachers Education Policy 
 Teachers Code of Conduct 

2. Presentation on of the major findings of the key agenda of the Forum
During the second day of the Forum, the participants have specifically analyzed, discussed, debated and reviewed the teachers education policy issues. 
The participants consisting of experts in the education field divided into three groups have effectively made necessary reading, spell checking, modifications where necessary on the key agenda relating with the draft Teachers Education Policy documents, specially looking into the three main sectors regarding on the selection criteria of the teacher, Teacher education policy and teachers conduct. 
At the end of the review sessions, each of the three groups have made their respective presentations on the selection criteria of the teacher, recruitment process, supervision, performance of the teachers and all other key points which the teacher education policy is consisting of.
3. Conclusion remarks of the Forum 
In his closing remarks, Mr. Abdullahi Osman Omar – Shakespeare, Director of the Teachers Training Department of the Ministry of Education has appreciated all the participants for their time in reviewing and contributing to the finalization of the draft documents on the Teachers Education Policy. 
Furthermore, Adam Mohamed, the National Coordinator of EFASOM has thanked the participant for attending the Forum and pointed out that finalizing the draft teachers education policy document is essential and will eventually lead to acquiring better quality teacher which is key for achieving quality education for all the Somali children. 
Mr. Adam requested the Teachers Training Department of the Ministry of Education to make investment in strengthening the capacity of the teachers to achieve quality education for the Somali children and community. 
In conclusion, Ms. Khadija Hussein and Mr. Abdiaziz from the Ministry of Education speaking on behalf of the participants have expressed appreciation to EFASOM for the opportunity of conducting the Forum for revising the teachers education policy document. 
They have pointed out that it’s important to increase the efforts towards making further improvement in the teachers education policy and conducting similar events promoting the teaches training programs.