On 30-Jun-2016, EFASOM attended the Education Sector Coordination


13716001_913492445442986_1865145804979084342_nOn 30-Jun-2016, EFASOM attended the Education Sector Coordination
Meeting held inside the Somalia National University compound in
Mogadishu. Importantly, on behalf of the civil society, EFASOM made oral submission of proposals. One was that the MOE of the FGS to
re-establish a teacher training college since teacher improvement is
crucial to quality education. The other was that the MOE of the FGS to
organize a national education forum during 2016 so that education
stakeholders can discuss more on the ESSP and ESA, where the strategic
plan can be set next 3 to 5 years and must be included that on both
the national development plan and the re-programming program funded by
GPE. The re-programming of GPE partnership will be included:
1. New 1,200 teacher for to be paid 1 year teacher incentives
2. Salary of 2 supervisors from MOE to monitor progress of GPE-led
education program.
3. ESSP - ESA (Strategic planning)
4. Teacher training component




في يوم 30/6/2016م، شارك الإئتلاف الصومالي للتعليم للجميع اجتماع تشاورى الذي ترأس

وزارة التربية والتعليم لدعم قطاع التعليم في الصومال.
بالنيابة عن المجتمع المدني ، تم الإئتلاف تقديم مقترحات عن تنظيم منتدى وطني للتعليم وإنشاء كلية تدريب للمعلمين لأجل تحسين مستوى المعلم والجودة التعليم.



Maalintii 30/6/2016, Ururka Wadaniga ah ee U-dooda Waxbarasho loo siman yahay ee EFASOM ayaa ka qeyb-galey kulan wadatashi oo ay hogaamineysey Wasaarada Waxbarashada si gacan looga geysto Waxbarashada Dalka.
Iyadoo mataleysa ururada bulshada, waxaa ay EFASOM gudbisey codsi ah in la qabto shirweyne qaran oo looga hadlayo waxbarashada dalka iyo in la aasaaso kuliyada tababarka macalimiinta si kor loogu qaato heerka macalinka iyo tayada waxbarashada.